Area Calculator
Area: 0
The unit is the original unit squared, e.g. square meter
What is an Area Calculator?
An area calculator simplifies the process of finding out how much space a flat shape takes up. Whether you're working with simple squares or more complex shapes like trapezoids, this tool does the math for you. Just input the measurements, and it'll calculate the area using the right mathematical formula for each shape.
When Would You Use This?
- Planning home renovations or calculating flooring needs
- Designing a garden or landscaping project
- Working on architectural plans or construction projects
- Estimating paint needed for walls or surfaces
- Helping with geometry homework or teaching math
- Measuring property sizes for real estate purposes
Quick Guide
- Pick your shape from the dropdown menu
- Type in the measurements (like length, width, or radius)
- Choose how many decimal places you want in your answer
- Hit "Calculate" to see the result
- Your answer will be in square units (like square feet or square meters)
Tip: Make sure all your measurements use the same unit (e.g., all in meters or all in feet) to get an accurate result.